Workshop Day with Together we are Bremen
On 11th of January we organized the first Together we are Bremen workshop-day! It took place in the framework of the “Banana Island Prolog” organized...
We are here to Stay
On 11th of January we organized the first Together we are Bremen workshop-day! It took place in the framework of the “Banana Island Prolog” organized...
As 2019 is over we took the time to capture some highlights and appreciate the moments and connections that were part of Together we are...
2019 ist vorbei und wir haben uns einen Moment Zeit genommen, um ein paar Highlights des Jahres einzufangen und besondere und wichtige Momente und Verbindungen...
We will produce more of our Together-we-are-Bremen-T-Shirts – if there are enough orders coming in.Send us your t-shirt wish by 8th of December via e-mail....
Hello everybody! We printed T-Shirts with different Together we are Bremen designs. You want to have one? We are selling them for 15-25€. All the...
Wahrheit, Versöhnung und Entschädigung: Gambias Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit Information event / Infoveranstaltung | 27.11.19 |18:30 | Paradox | Bernhardstraße 12 // Deutsch weiter unten In...
“Together we fight – Together we stay!” was the slogan for our demonstration this past weekend. About 300 people followed our call and showed their...
Halberstadt? Les rares personnes qui connaissent cet endroit situé à l’ouest du Land de Saxe-Anhalt penseront probablement à son vieux centre-ville avec ses “Fachwerkhäuser” alignés...
Halberstadt? Die wenigen Menschen, die diesen Ort im Westen Sachsen-Anhalts kennen, haben wahrscheinlich die Altstadt mit ihren pittoresk aufgereihten Fachwerkhäusern vor Augen. Oder die nahe...
Halberstadt? The few people who know about this place located in the west of the German federal state of Sachsen-Anhalt would probably think of its...