First video from INSIDE the Turnhalle

Camps frustrate people. This is what is mostly expressed by everyone who had to live in a camp. From the outside there is little knowledge but a lot of ignorance of how it feels to live inside a camp.

However, to be in a camp means that the journey has not finished.

You have not arrived anywhere when the objective of the camp is to force you to leave.

This is what happens in the Turnhalle-camp near Bremen-airport. The camp is mainly for minors. The boys who are there are leaving Bremen very soon. Against their own wish. Sometimes executed with violence. Because of these circumstances created by the camp-leaders, the organisation Johanniter and Bremen social authorities, it is more difficult that people from inside the camp could speak up, fight the conditions and fight for their right to stay and start to live like normal other teenagers.

This video is an expression from inside the camp. It was edited by people from our alliance #shut down Turnhalle. The filmmaker of the raw material did not want to show his face or tell his name in public because of fear. He is afraid because he is not in a safe place. He is in a camp.