Rally 7.3.19: Together we are Bremen means stop Deportation!
— Deutsch, English, Francais — TOGETHER-WE-ARE BREMEN heißt STOP DEPORTATION! HEUTE DEMO: 07.03.2019 – 17h – Polizeipräsidium Vahr Seit Beginn der Woche ist eine Person...
We are here to Stay
— Deutsch, English, Francais — TOGETHER-WE-ARE BREMEN heißt STOP DEPORTATION! HEUTE DEMO: 07.03.2019 – 17h – Polizeipräsidium Vahr Seit Beginn der Woche ist eine Person...
Dear friends,Together we are Bremen invites you to join our solidary bar-evening with food, drinks and music.We would love to see you there!When? Friday, 01.03.2019...
– Deutsch weiter unten – We are somehow tired of asking for money and donations because our fight is about the right to stay instead...
—- Français à finir — (most) Pictures: Julia Daiber This was an amazing and wonderful party of solidarity! Thank you Bremen!Our hearts are full of...
Together we we are Bremen invites you: Solidarity – for REAL?Together we are Bremen t’invite a: Solidarité – pour de vrai? There will be /...
We created a crowdfunding campaign to support those activists who otherwise can not stay in Bremen because they are excluded from the state’s social system....
Here is our speech of the today’s demonstration at the international Human Rights day. We call upon you: Sharing is caring – action is made...
Dear people of Bremen,We are planning a demonstration at 10. of December and we’re looking forward to cooperate with you! We are Refugee Self-Organisations and...
Wie viele hier ja wahrscheinlich schon mal gehört haben, suchen und finden wir schon seit Monaten solidarische Schlafplätze für Aktivist*innen aus unserem Bündnis. Das “Together...
Gottlieb-Daimler – Shut it down! For months we demonstrated with this slogan and made actions.Today, on 28.9.2018, it finally becomes reality: the social administration closes...