Inside and outside the camp Lindenstraße: Together we stand together we fight

Deutsche Übersetzung dieser Reflexion zwischen zwei TWAB-Aktivist*innen hier

A: “Where do we stand right now? When we have the police against us, and AWO and social, who is behind us?

We feel a lot of repression going on, before still AWO was talking to us but now they do not even want to listen anymore, they are all angry and arrogant. When our friend this morning was taken out because of the transfer out of Bremen and I was angry these people from AWO were laughing at me. It is crazy right now. I sometimes want to know what is AWOs role in the camps, what are their rules? Maybe I have been ignorant to their rules. And what is the securities rules?“

B: “You have some doubts about what is our power and we have these fears. This is their mindset, to put everyone in fear, and very isolated, you will not have any strength to make your problems visible, so, to put that fear in you, every day, every second, in you, in us, is what they do.

You feel like you don`t have any power. But you have power. Your voice is your power. Since this Corona started and since we do these demonstrations how many people lived in Lindenstraße and since the demonstrations how many people were transferred? We heard from you that many people were transferred out of Lindenstraße, so the benefit of these protests is that now many people in Bremen, in Deutschland, know about all this. Lindenstraße is no more hiding, everybody knows that at this moment. So many people are making campaigns, are fighting really hard so that this camp is closed. All these benefits we can see.

The transfer outside Bremen is nothing new. When the appeal gets negative decision from the court then you get transfer. We all faced this – since Gottlieb-Daimler Straße. This is the reason why this Together we are Bremen is going. Because of the transfers. Our main fight is to stop the transfers, so that people who are here can stay in Bremen.

So, if you have this kind of fear right now nobody can blame you because you are in this situation but this fear where they want to put you, we should resist. So I am also encouraging you don`t let them have your mindset, let them not put this fear in our faces and our minds and also it is realistic, it is not fair, it is a hard fact, but people who struggle, who are in front-line in the demonstrations, when benefit come of those people the majority does not benefit. This is also not something new. Even in Gottlieb. Sometimes when people sacrifice they are not the people who benefit directly. We are not only fighting for black people, we are fighting for everybody.

So what the security, the AWO and all them are doing is to put in one side, to bias, to put conflict in between us. This is where we should resist, no matter, what they are trying to. Together we have power. But when there is conflict between black people and people of color, immediately what they are looking for, they have it. Let`s keep resisting and fight. You are not doing anything illegal. And you are not alone. There are many people fully behind us. Our voice is what matters. Let us be at the front and in the struggle encouraging each other. People are behind you!”